Frankie John™ Photography

Nasi Dagang is a special dish known in Terengganu and Kelantan. Nasi Dagang Terengganu is usually done rather than a mixture of rice and rice cooked sticky rice and coconut milk together.

Nasi Dagang Kelantan

Nasi Dagang Kelantan kerana usually colored red using a mixture of black sticky rice.

Nasi Dagang Terengganu

Nasi Dagang Terengganu was served with a sauce Nasi Dagang which is cooked with spices typical (as opposed to the usual curry spices). Fish that are used usually Aya Black fish (tuna) are big size, cut. In addition pickled cucumbers are also provided.

Nasi Dagang is said to be recognized in such a kerana, have only one dish (without pickles cucumber). Easy, like those in the trade without providing a lot of side dishes.

Nasi Dagang etc.

In Johor and Pahang sesetengah areas such as Raub, Week, Temerloh and Kuantan, there are also versions of
Nasi Dagang which uses laksa gravy as a sauce of choice.


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